Monday, October 22, 2012

Print Making Response

Print Makinag Critique

1.     Describe the overall composition of your artwork (balance, unity, rhythm and movement).
My overall compostion of jmy artwork was based on balance, unity, rhythm, and movement. My balance in my artwork was with positive and negative space. The unity of corresponding backgrounds making it look real. The movement of the print shows how the animal is moving and where it is headed.
2.     How did you add texture and contrast to your print? Is this important? Why?
I added texture and contrast to my print by adding strokes to the tigers fur. Also in areas of high details such as eyes to become very distinct. Also i kept areas of darkness corressponding with areas of light. It is important because in printmaking you have to get texture to make a person to want the print. The contrast gives good balance to the artwork so that these two needed things work together to make the artwork look good.

3.     Explain how you used positive and negative space to show your image.
I used postive and negative space to show my image by using the black and white areas to show the areas of postive and negative space. The areas that most people would have cut out was the white space which would be the positive,but with my outlook of trying something else i cut out the negative space to make my artwork look original and show my image.

4.     Describe the craftsmanship of your print. (How good the project is technically crafted)
My craftmanship was very good depending upon how much time i spent craving out the illonium then how i prepared in advance how it would look. the idea of my craftmenship was good amd planned out so i had good ideas and that caused my craftmenship to turn out good.

5.     Were you able to achieve depth by showing a foreground, middle ground and back- ground? Explain.
I acheived depth by shoqwing the foreground, middle ground,and back ground. The foreground was where the animal itself was located the middle ground was the hill and the trees in the background. The background was the sun. These three things came together to help the print look good and achieve depth when someone looks at it. They can clearly see the depth of the artwork what is closest to them and whats the farthest thing away.

6.     Explain your experience with Printmaking. What were the obstacles and advantages?
I liked printmaking it was sonmething new I never tried and also was fun working with hands on activity other than just drawing in our sketchbooks. The art was hard in some areas such as when there was places of very high detail because it would be hard to tell if i got too much out or too little out. Overall the project was good and one that i would enjoy doing again.

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